Sunday, August 27, 2006

Rena Standring : 1909-2006

Nana passed away back on July 11th at the age of 97.

I have been hoping to be inspired to write the perfect post, to capture all the feelings involved, but have resigned myself to the fact that this will not likely happen. I have felt that having so recently posted about the loss of our pet bearded dragon Zed would seem to diminish a post on the impact that losing Nana has had on our lives However, writing of Nana's passing has been postponed too long already.

Nana had 96 healthy and happy years. By the end of the last year I believe that in the end Nana was more than ready to move on and to be reunited with Daddy Ed who passed away back in 1997. While her passing was expected, I was far from ready for it and never expect to be.

Rena Standring
1909 - 2006

Cassi has grown ... at least a little ...

Just over 6 mos. and likely pushing 80 lbs. ... our little puppy ...

Saturday, July 01, 2006

What's Cookin'?

This is one of Ian's favorite pastimes... playing with the pots and pans. He love to see which ones make the most noise, as well as which are big enough for him to sit in. Too cute! I only wish we knew how to teach him to put the pans back after he is done using them...

Friday, May 05, 2006

With sadness ...

I announce the passing of beloved family member Zeddicus, our pet bearded dragon of 4 years.

He will be missed.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Now introducing... RUPERT!

We just couldn't be left out! Just like Dan & Sarah, we too took home a new puppy on Easter. We decided to name Cassi's brother Rupert, and so far he is fitting in to our little family just fine. Orion is tolerating him, and even is playing with him now and then, and Ian just likes puppy kisses and a new play toy! Pulling tails are the best! Rupert is just a great little puppy, and we are excited to share puppy raising with Dan and Sarah. Rupert will get to visit a sibling now and then, too. The two puppies as so cute together, and I'm sure it helps with seperation anxiety... Puppies are my favorite!

Monday, April 17, 2006

Please Welcome Cassi(opeia)!!!

Please welcome 7.5 wk old Cassi(opeia) to the StandLand clan!

DanS and Sarah adopted Cassi from a wonderful family in Oroville California on Easter Sunday, April 16th 2006. While she misses her Great Dane mother and 12 siblings, we hope she will feel at home in our family real soon!

Friday, April 14, 2006

Are you talking to me?!?

I couldn't let Orion be left out! He will bet jealous if Pi, Rho, and "as yet unnamed" puppy get all the attention... Orion is an 18 month old German Shepherd puppy and he is ALL legs. Silly, defiant, and very clumsy, he loves attention, sqeaky toys, people shoes, and especially loves his little buddy Ian. David and I are thinking of getting Orion a canine friend sometime in the near future, but we'll see!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

The Kittens ...

After a deep scratch or two, I finally realized that I had hurt their feelings ... what was I thinking posting a puppy to the new blog first?!?!

Pi and Rho would love to make your aquaintance.

Standland Home Sweet Home

For those of you who missed the previous announcement and accompanying pictures, thought I would toss this one up for you.

Its a very very very fine house!

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

A furry temptation ...

How can you say "no" to that face? Adoption is definitely tempting.

This is a 10 week old puppy, 0.5 Yellow Lab and 0.5 American Staffordshire Terrier (a much more politically correct name for a Pit Bull).

Sarah went to visit the puppy and his family today ... another visit may be happening Saturday ...

Noisy buggers ...

One of the benefits (any others?) to living next-door to a shut-down Air Force Base with one of the top 4 longest runways in all of California.

The first Blue Angels visit to Sacramento since something like 1993. Luckily on the single dry weekend of a record breaking month of rain in Sacramento.

While the air show itself had a great turn out and many positive reviews, I can honestly say the the show from our house was spectacular to watch, and exhilirating to hear - especially as the F-18s banked only 5 or 6 hundred feet overhead.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Smiling's My Favorite

Here's Ian peeking around a corner in the lodge during February, 2006. He's a speedy little one since he learned how to crawl over the holidays. His smile and laughter are contagious, and he finds everything amusing!

Across the sea ...

The great sea of cubes ... bad enough to navigate when you can see over the 5'6" partition walls. For those that can't, it has got to be 'part of the new cruelty'.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

I have a headache anyway ...

After a day like today, I feel the kit to the left would make an excellant addition to my micro-cubicle. More than likely would prove more productive than how I spend 75% of my day.

Whoever said communication is an art was a liar. Communication is war, a constant wearying battle!

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Is there an echo in here ...

... content seems a bit thin. So much for "the thoughts of DanS" ...